
Showing posts from March, 2018

Topic 2: View point variation

Definition: view point variations will give your picture emotion and feeling. If the photos is looking up at the subject it will look grand and important but if you are looking down it will look as if it is not important at all. but if you are at the same level you will look as if you are looking straight at the person in the eyes. ISO 100 APERTUER F/7.1 SHUTTER SPEED 1/200 DATE 22/3/2018 EYE LEVEL ISO 100 APERTUER F/7.1 SHUTTER SPEED 1/200 DATE 22/3/2018 HIGH LEVEL ISO 100 APERTUER F/7.1 SHUTTER SPEED 1/200 DATE 22/3/2018 LOW LEVEL

Topic 2 : Diagonal Rule

Definition : diagonal rule is diagonal lines that go across the photo and make you eyes lead to whatever they lead to. And what makes the photo more appealing. iso 350 f/5.6 shutter speed 1/640 date 5/4/2018 morning iso 100 apertuer f/4.5 shutter speed 1/320 date 3/4/2018 mid afternoon iso 100 apertuer f/4.5 shutter speed 1/320 date 3/4/2018 mid afternoon


DEFINTION : The position in relation to the sun can make your photo really good or really bad. You can play around with shadows and make you picture very interesting. iso 400 f/5.6 shutter speed 1/800 date 15/3/2018 mid afternoon 1:05 pm iso 400 f/5.6 shutter speed 1/800 date 15/3/2018 mid afternoon 1:05 pm iso 400 f/5.6 shutter speed 1/800 date 15/3/18 mid afternoon 1:05pm

Element 6 : FOCAL LENGTH

Definition:  The  focal length  of the lens is the distance between the lens and the image sensor when the subject is in focus, usually stated in millimeters (e.g., 28 mm, 50 mm, or 100 mm). iso 400 focal length 15 mm aptertuer f/5 shutter speed 1/800 date 15/3/2018 mid afternoon 1:00pm iso 400 focal length 24 mm aptertuer f/5 shutter speed 1/800 date 15/3/2018 mid afternoon 1:00 pm iso 400 focal length 35 mm aptertuer f/5 shutter speed 1/800 date 15/3/2108 mid afternoon 1:00pm

Topic 2 : 60 10 30

60 10 30 are what the composition consists of as in the items in the photo. These photos i have taken are examples of this. ISO 100 APERTUER F/7.1 SHUTTER SPEED 1/125 DATE 22/3/2018 MORING AFTER RAIN ISO 100 APERTUER F/5.3 SHUTTER SPEED 1/160 DATE 22/3/2018 MORING AFTER RAIN ISO 100 APERTUER F/7.1 SHUTTER SPEED 1/250 DATE 22/3/2108 MORING AFTER RAIN

Topic 2 : collage from a magzine


Topic 2 Element 2 LEADING LINE

LEADING LINES Leading lines  are used to draw the viewer's eye through a  photograph . They are intentional or unintentional, natural  lines  created in the space of the  photographed  are used to create a visual narrative in the composition. ISO 100 APERTUER F/5 SHUTTER SPEED 1/800 DATE  7/2/2018 ISO 400 APTERTUER F/4 SHUTTER SPEED 1/1250 DATE 27/10/2017 IOS 100 APTERTUER F/5 SHUTTER SPEED 1/160 DATE 22/3/2018

Topic 2 . Element 1 rule of thirds

Definition: The  rule of thirds  is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section. iso 400 shutter speed 1/1250 f/5.6 time 3:00 pm  malaysia iso 600 shutter speed 1/4000 aperture f/5 time 5:30 pm milsions point date 30/6/2017 ISO 100 SHUTTER SPEED 1/160 APERTUER F/5 9:17 AM 22/3/2018

Element 4 :metering

DEFINTION: Metering  (Viewfinder  Photography ) ...  Metering  is used to measure the brightness of the subject. The camera  optimizes exposure by adjusting shutter speed, aperture (f-number), and ISO sensitivity according to the brightness of the subject. DYNAMIC RANGE:   As long as the difference in brightness between the darkest and lightest areas of a scene fall within the sensor's  dynamic range , you'll be able to record detail in both areas simultaneously quite happily. focused on the window and the rest went dark This morning   I focued on the cupboard and the window blew out. This morning and the sun was coming throught the window. iso 100 f/4 shutter speed 1/400 spot metering date 3/4/2018 mid afternoon