Photography in Print: PHOTOJOURNALISM TASK: Make a copy of this document and save in your eportfolio Newspapers during the 19 th century were illustrated with wood engravings or lithographs . Honore` Daumier, for example, drew his powerful lithograph “Murder in the Rue Transnonain” for a __general_ NEWSPAPER ___.Winslow Homer earned his living for many years as a freelance illustrator, supplying drawings and paintings that were translated into wood _____engravings_____or lithographs. The most important event that Honore` covered as a visual reporter was the American _______civil war_____ ______. Mathew Brady and other photographers also went to the war, which became the first major conflict to be ______documented__________ in photographs. Yet Brady’s photographs also had to be translated into wood engravings to appear in the news, for the _technology did not yet exist to print photographs _____commercially on ordinary paper. Then, around 1900, the first process for...