PHOTOS OF PROTEST AND ALSO How photography connects us.
The photo that a photojournalist takes has to connect with the receptive audience and has to make
the audience feel what the photo is portraying. In this photo this man is getting marched away by
coppers, he is wearing a aboriginal shirt so he was most definitely protesting aboriginal rights and
started arking up. This moment will for sure stay in people's mind for ages because of the facial
expressions and also him yelling out. In my educated opinion this is a very smart and also persuasive
photograph because it is showing that the man is obviously enraged at something and i think
the photo conveys that very well.
the audience feel what the photo is portraying. In this photo this man is getting marched away by
coppers, he is wearing a aboriginal shirt so he was most definitely protesting aboriginal rights and
started arking up. This moment will for sure stay in people's mind for ages because of the facial
expressions and also him yelling out. In my educated opinion this is a very smart and also persuasive
photograph because it is showing that the man is obviously enraged at something and i think
the photo conveys that very well.
How photography connects us.
American wounded soldiers coming out of Iraq and making it through to rehab at home in the US.
The photo gallery of the American Wounded soldiers is has a very heart touching feel to it, it makes you feel
for the soldiers and their families. This I believe is a very good representation of emotion between the soldiers
and their families. This photo essay connects with everyone that has
for the soldiers and their families. This I believe is a very good representation of emotion between the soldiers
and their families. This photo essay connects with everyone that has
Missing all your work on the TED talk and photojournalism (not impressed Max)